Installation Instructions
Downloading the right version of AVSLib
AVSLib distributions will be either production versions or alpha or beta versions of the library. Alpha and beta versions will always include a notice about this fact (the terms "alpha" or "beta" inside parentheses as part of the name of the distribution). All other distributions not containing such a notice will always be production versions of the library.
In general, unless you want to participate in the testing of AVSLib or you are a developer of extensions to AVSLib, you should download the latest production or beta version (the one with the larger version number) from the AVSLib download page.
Installing AVSLib
From version 1.1.0 AVSLib comes with a full featured installer. A source-only distribution is also provided for manual installation, in case anyone faces a problem with the installer.
Standard (recommended) installation procedure
The standard installation procedure is very simple; download and run the installer, then follow the on screen instructions.
Manual installation procedure
- Unpack the entire contents of the downloaded source-only distribution's archive to the
selected destination folder in your hard drive.
Be sure to check that unpacking will recreate the archived contents folder structure. - Open the destination folder with Windows Explorer and locate the files loader.avsi and avslib.avsi.
- Open the file avslib.avsi in a text editor.
- Enter at the end of the last line (the one containing "__LIBROOT_AVSLIB = ") the full path to the destination folder where you had unpacked the distribution in step 1. Don' t forget to surround the path with double quotes!
- Save the modified file.
- Copy loader.avsi and avslib.avsi to Avisynth's plugins folder (the one that is used for plugin autoloading).
- (Optionally) create a shortcut to the AVSLib documentation on your desktop.
Using AVSLib
To use AVSLib, load into your scripts the modules that contain the desired functionality. You can use any combination of the LoadLibrary(), LoadPackage() and LoadModule() functions for this. See the packages documentation to locate the modules that contain the filters and functions you want to use.
With LoadLibrary(), which loads entire parts of the AVSLib library, you can use the following predefined constants:
- CONFIG_AVSLIB_FULL : Loads the entire AVSLib library.
- CONFIG_AVSLIB_SCRIPT : Loads only scripting enhancements (the base, numeric, string and debug packages (and any required by them modules).
- CONFIG_AVSLIB_ARRAYS : Loads only the array package (and any required by them modules).
- CONFIG_AVSLIB_FILTERS : Loads only the filters and clip package (and any required by them modules).
Solving installation problems
If the installer encounters problems during the installation, it will notify you of these. Workaround the pointed out problems and rerun the installer.
If your problem persists, check if a solution is described at the FAQs section of the documentation, or post a support request at the Help / Support AVSLib project's forum.
You may also try the manual installation procedure from the source-only distribution described above.
Uninstalling AVSLib
Standard (recommended) installation procedure
Run the uninstaller and follow the on screen instructions.
Manual installation procedure
- Delete the destination folder where you have had unpacked the AVSLib distribution.
- Delete loader.avsi and avslib.avsi to Avisynth's plugins folder (the one that is used for plugin autoloading).