The deprecated :: array module
The deprecated :: array module contains deprecated functions from previous versions of AVSlib that are solely provided for backwards compatibility purposes. The functions will be eventually removed at an AVSLib version stated inside the inline (to the source code) function documentation.
The specific functions contained in this module are array-related.
The only documentation provided for deprecated functions are the comments inline to the source code. You may also seek the documentation of previous versions of AVSLib where the functions under question were not deprecated at that moment.
The functions will be completely removed at AVSLib version 1.5.0
Required modules
base :: core, string :: core, array :: core, array :: operators, numeric :: functions
Name | Description |
ArrayFloor(string array) | ArrayCeil(string array) |
ArrayRound(string array) | ArrayInt(string array) |
ArrayFloat(string array) | ArrayFrac(string array) |
ArrayAbs(string array) | ArraySign(string array) |
ArraySin(string array) | ArrayCos(string array) |
ArrayLog(string array) | ArrayExp(string array) |
ArrayPow(string array, float power) | ArraySqrt(string array) |
ArrayExpBs(string array, float base) | ArrayExp10(string array) |
ArrayLogBs(string array, float base) | ArrayLog10(string array) |
ArrayTan(string array) | ArrayCot(string array) |
ArraySinh(string array) | ArrayCosh(string array) |
ArrayTanh(string array) | ArrayCoth(string array) |
ArrayAnd(string array1, string array2) | ArrayOr(string array1, string array2) |
ArrayXor(string array1, string array2) | ArrayUCase(string array) |
ArrayLCase(string array) | ArrayRevStr(string array) |
ArrayStrLen(string array) | ArrayFindStr(string array, string str_sought) |
ArrayLeftStr(string array, int length) | ArrayRightStr(string array, int length) |
ArrayMidStr(string array, int start, int "length") |